Download PeaZip 9.8.0

PeaZip 9.8.0 – Archive Manager


PeaZip is an archive manager that allows applying multiple powerful search filters to archive content. Create and extract multiple archives simultaneously. Create self-extracting archives. Define the export function as a command line. save archive layouts; Bookmark archives and folders. Scan and unlock with custom apps compressed and uncompressed files, etc...

Other features: strong encryption, strong file copying, file splitting/joining (file extension), secure data deletion, compare, checksum and hash files, system benchmark, generate random passwords and keyfiles.

PeaZip is an open source file and archive manager: cross-platform, available as portable and installable software for 32 and 64-bit Windows and Linux (PeaZip is a desktop neutral application).

This software is free and free for any use. It is also available as a standalone and portable application that does not require installation.

PeaZip supports File Formats:

  • Full support (read and write): 7z, FreeArc’s arc/wrc, sfx (7z and arc), bz2, gz, paq/lpaq/zpaq, pea, quad/balz/bcm, split, tar, upx, wim, zip
  • Read only (browse, extract, test): 7z, apk, bz, bz2, bzip2, tbz2, tbz, gz, gzip, tgz, tpz, tar, zip, zipx, z01, smzip, arj, cab, chm, chi, chq, chw, hxs, hxi, hxr, hxq, hxw, lit, cpio, deb, lzh, lha, rar, r01, 00, rpm, z, taz, tz, iso, jar, ear, war, lha, pet, pup, pak, pk3, pk4, slp, [Content], xpi, wim, u3p, lzma86, lzma, udf, xar, dmg, hfs, part1, split, swm, tpz, kmz, xz, txz, vhd, mslz, apm, mbr, fat, ntfs, exe, dll, sys, msi, msp, ods, ots, odm, oth, oxt, odb, odf, odg, otg, odp, otp, odt, ott, gnm, doc, dot, xls, xlt, ppt, pps, pot, docx, dotx, xlsx, xltx, swf, flv, quad, balz, zpaq, paq8f, paq8jd, paq8l, paq8o, lpaq1, lpaq5, lpaq8, ace, arc, wrc, 001, pea, cbz, cbr, cba, cb7, cbt (and more…)
  • Repair: FreeArc’s arc/wrc
PeaZip can extract most of archive formats both from Windows and Unix worlds. Ranging from mainstream 7Z, RAR, TAR and ZIP to experimental ones like PAQ/LPAQ family, currently the most powerful compressor available. For archive creation, PeaZip suppors a wide range of compression and encryption standard. From fastes to most powerful ones. And allows to export job definition as scripts to bridge the gap between GUI and console applications. Also let the user pick the best of the two worlds.

PeaZip has secure deletion feature, can verify file checksum and hash. Furthermore, it supports multiple strong encryption standards, optionally using two factor authentication (password and keyfile) for increased security.

Supported encryption standards

  • 7Z: 7-Zip AES256 encryption
  • ZIP: WinZip AES256 AE encryption, and ZipCrypto for legacy compatibility; can decrypt PKZip’s AES encryption
  • ARC: FreeARC AES256, Blowfish, Twofish256 and Serpent256
  • PEA: AES256 EAX authenticated encryption
PeaZip is localized in 29 languages. And is capable of handling all most popular archive formats (150+ file types). Also supports a wide array of advanced file and archive management features. Such as search, bookmarks, thumbnail viewer, hashing, find duplicate files, convert archives…. And it is specially focused on security (strong encryption, two factor authentication, encrypted password manager, secure deletion…).

Download PeaZip 9.8.0